A Few Words About Resources: A Disclaimer

The Resources we List on our Website:

The resources we list on our website have been found helpful by our staff, clients, and colleagues. We want to stress that not everyone may find these resources helpful or agree with some of the assumptions, assertions and recommendations contained in these resources. All of the resources listed are provided in good faith and for the purpose of offering additional information. We make no representation or warranty of any kind, regarding the accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability or completeness of any resources listed. In addition, Centers for Family Change is not liable for any negative consequences associated with the use of these resources. Your use of any of the resources listed on our website is at your own risk and discretion.

More Information


We want to remind you that some of the apps listed may collect your personal information and  may use your information for various purposes. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you carefully evaluate any apps before using them.  Centers for Family Change is not responsible for any aspect of your use of these or any other apps.

Conflicts of Interest

Centers for Family Change has no financial relationship with any of the resources listed on the website.

Errors & Omissions

We have done our best to make sure that all of the information on our website is accurate and true to the best of our knowledge. However, there may be updates, errors, and omissions regarding the information on our site. The Centers for Family Change and its staff are not liable for any damages due to any errors or omissions on our website.

Legal Advice (not offered)

Any information contained on this Website is not legal advice and should not be treated as such. You should always contact an attorney for help with your specific legal needs and issues.


Testimonials are not listed on our website. The American Psychological Association regards the solicitation of testimonials as unethical behavior by psychologists. In addition, other professional organizations frown upon and discourage the use of testimonials.


If you have any questions about this Disclaimer or any other materials on our website please contact us.