
Anxiety Coach

Dr. David Carbonell has extensive information about all types of anxiety as well as techniques  on how to start dealing with the symptoms.  He even has video clips demonstrating breathing  techniques to use to decrease anxiety.

Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies

This association created a list of self-help books that involve CBT, are scientifically supported, and are consistent with best practices.

Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHAAD)

Phone: 800-233-4050

A nationally renowned advocacy group for people with ADHD. This site offers newsletters and support group listings.

Attention Deficit Disorder Association

Phone: 484-945-2101

An organization dedicated to education, research, and public advocacy related to ADHD.

National Initiative for Children’s Healthcare Quality (NICHQ)

Phone: 617-754-4900

NICHQ is an organization striving to improve healthcare for children by offering training, support, educational materials, and data to professionals and organizations.  It also has  an ADHD toolkit available for professionals.


This website is one of the oldest mental health websites. It provides solid information about a wide range of issues including fairly detailed information about Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): what CBT is, how it works, and evidence that it is helpful with a wide range of problems.

The Academy of Cognitive Therapy

This site was developed by  some of the leading experts in the field of CBT. It offers information about CBT was well as a list of recommended readings on cognitive behavioral therapy (self-help books for a wide range of problems). This site also offers specific resources for children and adolescents.

American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

On the “Facts for Families,” link on this website, you can download concise, up-to-date  information on issues that affect, children, teenagers and their families. 

Ron Taffel, Ph.D.

This is the website of Ron Taffel, Ph.D.  Dr. Taffel has written a number of books on parenting, teens and children. While the site itself is limited it lists Dr. Taffel’s book.  We particularly recommend the books listed above.

Ross Greene, Ph.D.

The first website details Ross Greene, Ph.D.,’s Collaborative Problem Solving model, which is the approach he recommends for working with non-complaint and explosive children. This innovative model views problem behaviors as reflecting a lack of skills and abilities and focuses on how to help children develop ways to solve problems and respond to demands. This model focuses on skill building and the modification of parental expectations rather than on the use of rewards and punishments.

American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

On the “Facts for Families,” link on this website, you can download concise, up-to-date  information on issues that affect, children, teenagers, and their families.

The American Academy of Pediatrics

The American Academy of Pediatrics site, which includes tips and strategies for helping parents support their children and adolescents in coping with the current Pandemic.

The Clay Center for Young Healthy Minds

This educational site offers a variety of resources including a discussion of Mindfulness and other strategies that children, teens and parents can use to help them cope with the current pandemic.  This site offers a wealth of educational material on mental health issues for children, teens and families.

Mayo Clinic

This website provides a comprehensive overview of psychological disorders including symptoms, causes, and recommended treatment approaches.

National Institute for Health’s Website for Alcohol Related Issues 

This website contains information on alcohol abuse and free booklets about  alcohol use and strategies for cutting down or quitting alcohol use.

Wide Open School

For those looking for more educationally focused activities and materials this site can be helpful. It also includes brief videos on gratitude and mindfulness that are suitable for children. While the link specifies a grade level, this site has materials for preschools through high schoolers.